How I Became a Liam Neeson Fan!

I have been a Steven Spielberg fan since the 1970s. Almost from the very first hour, and I eagerly awaited all of his films. 
When Steven Spielberg first talked about making a film about Oskar Schindler around 1990, I was thrilled. Because I had learned a lot about this remarkable person at school.  When the name Liam Neeson was mentioned my first reaction was 'Liam who?' 
I had never heard of this, what was the name, Liam Neeson... and believe me, it was the early 1990s. A completely different decade... No, a completely different century. No internet where you could quickly look up who this certain Liam Neeson is! You had to wait until some specialist magazine for the cinema world appeared. No matter whether printed in German or English.  This is how the information was obtained at the time! 
When the film "Schindler's List" finally came out in 1994, I went to the cinema three times in one week. The first time because it was a Steven Spielberg film and I was excited about the story. On my second visit, I was curious about the main character. This man from Northern Ireland! I had my own idea of Oskar Schindler because I was told a lot about this man in history class about 15 years earlier in school. So I had a certain image in mind. So I studied Liam Neeson very closely and was amazed by his playing. Liam Neeson portrayed Oskar Schindler as I imagined him. So I went to the cinema a third time and that's how I became a fan of Liam, and I remain his fan to this day. 
Two things :  
I write this blog, more or less for myself. But feel free to let others share in it. I'm writing this blog because I'm annoyed by what's happening to stars' names on social media. That the names are used to deceive and lie to the fans of the stars. Unfortunately, social networks are doing nothing about it. Liam Neeson is a very welcome celebrity whose name is being abused. 
I write this blog out of respect and because I really appreciate Liam Neeson as an actor and a person. 

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