The Day the Music Died

My little series about Liam Neeson is growing and is being read with pleasure by my followers on Instagram and Facebook. I am very pleased that the fans are enjoying this little series, which already has almost 200 parts. 
Yes, I am proud of this little work because it proved to myself that I am not as stupid and superfluous as many people have told me. 
Yesterday I told in my 199th part about how Liam experienced the moment when he heard that John Lennon was shot: 
Liam told in September 2017 in an interview how he experienced the death of John Lennon:
"I have to say there's a part of me that died when John Lennon was shot, with regards to listening to popular music. I just could not get over it. "
"When John Lennon in December 8.1980 was shot, I was on stage with Stephen Rea. We are doing this Brain Freeland play, and we were touring Ireland with it. "
"I remember we were playing a week in Dublin and I was sharing a dressing room with Stephen. At the intervall, Stephen come back in before we went on stage and his face was white. He said 'Somebody shot John Lennon ' , and it was like he took it personally  ... like he had lost his brother. I'll never forget it. "
"Anyway, I'm rambling now, but I don't. I listen to classical music and U2 of course. I'm a big supporter of but music doesn't. "
When I rediscovered this statement from Liam, I remembered another interview that Liam gave to a radio station that same year. In the interview Liam told about his top ten list of his favorite songs. For each song  Liam told the listeners ,in a few sentence what the song meant to him. 
I will publish the list, with their little stories,  here and start the countdown with the tenth place and will write backwards to the first place. I hope that the readers will be just as surprised and delighted by this little personal hitparate by Liam.
I myself am very enthusiastic about selected songs. I publish the list a few months ago with the respective songs as little reels on my accounts on Instagram and Facebook. Unfortunately it is not possible to post video here.
Song number ten on Liam's all-time favorite music list is from Enno Morricone the theme music of "The Mission" from the year 1986.
Liam said about this song, "Great movie music. Wonderful fushion of high religious and native South America. Plus I was in the movie. "

Song number nine on Liam's all-time favorite music list is from Mozart "Requiem".
Liam said about this song, " How do you begin to describe this incredible piece of music. Every emotion is there and then some  ...awe inspiration. "

Song number eight on Liam's favorite music list is "Greensleeves" from Ralph Vaughan Williams. 
Liam said about this lovely piece of music, "Evokes pastoral England and Shakespeare somehow. I love it. "

Song number seven on his personal favorite music list is "Brothers In Arms" from Dire Straits. 
Liam said about this song, "This song sort of difined the eighties for me. A classical. "
For me (the blogger) this song and Dire Straits are a lasting memory of my deceased brother. We often sat together and listened to music. Although we were 14 years apart, we got along very well. 

 Number six on Liam's list is not a single song, but a whole album "Astral Weeks" from Van Morrison. 
Liam said about this album, " One of the great album and Van was a local boy. "
Song number five on Liam's all-time favorite music list is from Ry Cooder the intro theme from the movie "Paris Texas".
Liam said about this song, "Haunting music to a haunting film by Wenders. I listen to it regularly. "
I(the blogger) agree with Liam and love this quote from him.

Number four on Liam's personally favorite music list is again a whole album  "The Wall" from Pink Floyd. 
Liam said about the album, " I remember this concert in a park in London that I went to with Helen Mirren. We walked up this hill, spread out our picnic blamket and listened to the Pink Floyd concert. It was an Unforgettable experience."
I (the blogger) saw the Wall concert , after the fall of the Wall in Berlin. It was an unforgettable experience for me too. 

Song number three on Liam's all-time favorite music list is "Eleanor Rigby" from the Beatles. 
Liam said about this song, " I remember hearing it for the first time and thinking that The Beatles could do anything. "

The second song on Liam's all-time favorite music list is "Hyndford Street" from Van Morrison. 
Liam said about his number two," I associate a lot with Van Morrison in my life. "
"Natasha surprised me during our wedding with a Van Morrison song. She secretly took singing lessons before our wedding and rehearsed 'Crazy Love' . On the evening of our wedding reception, she suddenly picked up the microphone and sang this wonderful song just for me and I thought 'Wow'. It was the most beautiful moment for me that evening. "

And  here is the number one song from Liam's all-time favorite music list:"Danny Boy" singing by Eva Cassidy. 
Liam said about this song, " I love this Version and I used to sing it to my kids at bed time. It still makes me tear up, when ever I hear it sung."
So this is Liam's all-time favorite music list and I really like his selection. I wrote my own thoughts and experiences for some of the songs. My favorite stories are definitely the wedding and the lullaby for Liam and Natasha's sons Micheál and Daniel.
I also heard Mozart's Requiem a few years ago at a concert that took place during "Rhine in Flames". It was unique! 
Maidin mhaith a stór Liam, guím lá iontach síochánta oraibh agus tá súil agam go mbeidh cupán tae ag an mbeirt againn le chéile go luath. 
Tabhair aire mhaith duit féin agus fan sláintiúil.  Sin an rud is tábhachtaí domsa, mar tá sé go deas go bhfuil tú ann.  Go raibh maith agat as gach rud.  

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