What people say about Liam

I discovered a wonderful interview from 1994 that was conducted with Liam and Natasha during the filming of "Rob Roy" a while ago. I think I even mentioned it here... 
The interview also featured some of Liam's associates, with whom he has professional and personal contact. Among those who spoke were directors Steven Spielberg and Michael Apted, a personal collaborator of Liam and a good friend who has been with Liam for over 40 years. 
Steven Spielberg said about Liam, " When Liam plays a role he stops being Liam Neeson. "
"Behind the scenes or when he comes out of the make-up van, he's completely detached from his personality. He is then Oskar Schindler, he is then fully and completely the character he will play. There is no forward or backward for Liam at the moment. Only this one moment in which he finds,  this is this 'now moment '. That is his way to working. "
"When I say 'Action' he immediately lights up the world with his enthusiasm and eagerness to work. And the moment you say 'Cut' ,Liam falls into a kind of holding pattern, in which he always hardens in complete concentration. Liam is a thoroughbred actor through and through, who just doesn't use his talent where nobody appreciates it ", said Steven Spielberg adding, " In his private live, Liam is completely different person. In private, Liam is Liam Neeson himself. "
Liam's longtime friend Richard Graham said about Liam, " Liam has always been a loner. He has a very small circle of friends and an even smaller number of close friends to whom he would tell something intimate about himself. But there is a part of Liam that no one will ever get know. "
"Yeah, and then there is his voice. That raspy purr, that Irish singsong that accompanies his every word,  so hard and so soft."
"When Liam called our house for the first time,  my mother answered the phone. She was in her early 60s at the time ", Graham said. " She only spoke to him for about 20 second and handed me the phone saying, 'Oh God, this is the first time in 45 years that my knees have trembled. "
"You know, Liam was best man at my wedding and before we got married my wife lived in a nursing home. Her friends used to queue up in front of the pay phone to call Liam's answering machine just to hear his voice. "
Michael Apted, who shot the film "Nell" with Liam, says about Liam, " Liam has something every day about him. Something people really like about him. There is nothing scary or eletist about him. More calmness, gentleness and humanity. "
"You know, Liam is a man who slashes his foot on an underwater scaffold, while filming a swimming scene for our movie 'Nell'. He is a kind of guy, who goes after the accident to the hospital to get fifteen stitches in his foot and then shows up back on set at two o'clock at night  - just in case we need him for another take. "
A personal assistant who was responsible for Liam's personal well-being during the filming of "Rob Roy" talked about his work, " When the "Rob Roy" crew take their lunch break, I bring a thermos flask of soup from the city for him. Liam hates the catering food. He prefers simple home-style cooking, and he doesn't like plastic plates and plastic cutlery. 'I'm like Natasha, we both like it simple and beautiful ', Liam says,  so I tell the staff on my crew:' Don't give Mr Neeson plastic plates and plastic cutlery. Go and ask the housekeeping for porcelain and real cutlery '."
"You know, Liam really likes cheese, in all it's variations. So I cut thin slice of five or six different types of cheese and arrange them on a plate. "
"When I'm off work and others are in charge of Liam and his lunch, just put a whole cheese on a foam plate. Liam doesn't touch it and at the end the cheese is simply thrown away. "
Maidin mhaith a stór Liam, guím lá iontach síochánta oraibh agus tá súil agam go mbeidh cupán tae ag an mbeirt againn le chéile go luath.  
Tabhair aire mhaith duit féin agus fan sláintiúil. Is é seo mo mhian is mó agus guím ar a son gach lá. 
Tá sé go deas go bhfuil tú ann, go raibh maith agat as gach rud. Go raibh maith agat as cabhrú liom uaireanta. Cé nach bhfuil a fhios agat fiú é.  Ach cuidíonn tú go mór liom... agus chuir tú bac orm cheana féin rud éigin fíor-dhúr a dhéanamh. Go raibh maith agat❤️ 

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