
My Favorite Place

This excerpt from an interview Liam gave two years ago is one of my favorite stories Liam has ever told about himself. In the interview, Liam talked about his favorite activities that he pursues when he is not in front of the camera and spends his free time at home:  "When I'm not fishing I am an avid reader. I love lying in bed and reading. When I am not working and I'm home, I usually don't fall asleep until around five or six in the morning. Because I forget the time while I'm reading. 'Broken'by Don Winslow, a wonderful crime writer. It's the second time I've read it. It's six novelettes and I'd love to make one of those into a movie at some point, if it's possible. And reading one about Christianity called 'Before You Say I' Don't Believe ' by a Gentleman named Roger Carswell. " In the interview, Liam shared what gave him a guilty pleasure: "A guilty pleasure would be for me to wake up at half p

What about our relationship

As I was reading through my collection of interviews with Liam in the past few days, I found one from 1996 that Liam and Natasha gave together. In the interview, both spoke about the moment when Liam knew that he had fallen in love with Natasha. Natasha told about the beginning of their relationship following story in this interview:  "I was celebrating my thirtieth birthday and Liam sent me a card from the set of 'Schindler's List' . It simply said 'You're catching up with me. Love Oskar ' ,and I didn't think it was very romantic and decided it was time to be open. I wrote to him back with the word's, 'This is like a letter from a buddy. What is our relationship?' and at that moment Liam knew it was serious. He had fallen in love with me. Shortly after our wedding, Liam was cast in the movie 'Nell' and I wasn't thrilled with the idea that we would be separated again so soon. I decided to apply for the role of 'Paula Olsen

Happy Birthday Micheál

Happy birthday dear Michael. I wish you all the best and love for your new year. Stay healthy and the way you are. Yesterday, when I was looking for a little story to write on the occasion of Micheál's birthday, as the 136th episode of my own Liam Neeson series "One Photo, One Story", I came across an appearance by the two on the Graham Norton Show 2021. It was the second year of the Corona pandemic and Liam and Micheál were joining the show via video chat. Here comes your little discussion on how to pronounce Micheál's name correctly:  In March 2021, Micheál and Liam visited the Graham Norton Show, and discussed the pronunciation of Micheál's name. Liam explained that he promounces the name differently than his son: "I use the pronunciation of my son's name as 'my-kall', explained Liam to Graham Norton. While Micheál has decribed the pronunciation of his first name sounds like, ""It's 'me' as in myself and then 'hall'