
Cad atá ag tarlú sa saol seo?

Scríobhaim cúpla focal inniu nach bhfuil ann ach duitse:  Is scanrúil an chaoi ar fhorbair Meiriceá le cúig seachtaine anuas.   Ní théann lá ar aghaidh gan léamh faoin gcaoi a bhfuil rialtas atá tofa go daonlathach ag baint níos mó agus níos mó cearta óna mhuintir féin.   Tá daoine ag cailleadh a bpoist, tá leanaí ag cailleadh a bhfóirdheontas béilí scoile, níl fóirdheontais béilí ar rothaí á bhfáil ag pinsinéirí, tá a gcuid airgid á ghearradh ag veterans, tá cosc ar leabhair, tá srian ar shaoirse cainte, tá srian á chur ar dhaoine homaighnéasacha agus trasinscne, tá iriseoirí a bhfuil craiceann dorcha orthu ag cailleadh a bpoist ag na mórghníomhaireachtaí nuachta, tá ráig den bhruitíneach ann agus tá an tAire Sláinte ag cur as dóibh.  Agus ansin faigheann tú amach nach bhfuil an fear seo tar éis staidéar a dhéanamh ar leigheas fiú agus go bhfuil sé frith-vacsaínithe. Tá sé scanrúil cad atá ag tarlú thall ansin i láthair na huaire.   Tá sé cosúil ...

About "Non-Stop"

For me, Non-Stop is one of those films that really gets my adrenaline pumping. Suspense from the first moment to the last scene. When I saw the film for the first time, my head was working the whole time. One question followed the next. How did the writer know that, how could he kill that person, where did he get this information from... Questions Non-Stop...  A few days ago I discovered an interview that Liam and Jaume Collet-Serra gave to a German film platform about the release of the film in German cinemas.  I'm currently brushing up on my English. The interview came at just the right time. It was conducted in English. So I translated it into German first and then translated the translation back into English. It sounds complicated, but that's exactly what really helps me brush up on my language. The translation into German helps me to understand the context of the interview properly.  Here is the content of the interview:  In March 2014, L...

About "Taken"

  "I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you, I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills . Skills I have acquired over a long career. Skills that make me a nighrmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now that'll be the end of it. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find and I will kill you!" When Liam said these lines in the first "Taken" movie in 2008, neihter he nor director Pierre Morel or producer Luc Besson had a clue what cult status these sentence would be achieved.  Liam would have liked to have deleted this dialog completely from the movie.  In an interview Liam gave last July, he said that he wasn't a fan of the line at first and would have preferred to remove it from the script, "I was not originally a fan of my now legendary speech. I thought the saying was silly and I'm very...

Thanksgiving Shona

A Liam, a stór, guím Lá Altaithe iontach duit féin agus ar do theaghlach.   Tá súil agam go gcaithfidh tú lá an-deas le do bheirt mhac Daniel agus Micheál agus a chailín Daniel, Natalie, agus go dtabharfaidh go leor cairde agus lucht aitheantais cuairt ort.    Is maith liom an bealach a dhéantar Thanksgiving a cheiliúradh i Meiriceá. Ó bhí mé óg, tá mé ag iarraidh an fhéile seo a cheiliúradh.  Toisc go ndeir sé an oiread sin faoi chomhtháthú teaghlaigh agus faoin gcaidreamh teaghlaigh le cairde, faoin gcaidreamh speisialta atá agat lena chéile. Ar an drochuair, ní raibh an t-ádh orm riamh an fhéile a cheiliúradh agus an taithí speisialta seo a mhothú. Tá áthas orm ar do shon gur féidir leat a chaitheamh inniu le do muintir.  Gach rath agus grá daoibh go léir.   A Liam, a chara, guím lá iontach síochánta oraibh agus tá súil agam go mbeidh cupán tae le chéile ag an mbeirt againn go luath agus go mbeidh comhrá beag againn. Is é sin mo mhian is mó....

About the filming of "Made in Italy"

When I read an old interview that Liam and Micheál gave before the release of their joint film "Made in Italy", I noticed how personally the two of them took the story of the film. Liam in particular spoke very openly about the filming and the personal experiences he took home with him. In my little series about Liam Neeson , entitled: One Photo, One Story , which now has 202 parts, I gave this part the title "Micheál and his new friend" and the story consists only of the first part of the story I am telling here today  . I now only write my series on Instagram. "I wouldn't exactly call Micheál a typical movie set kid ", Liam said during an interview about their joint film "Made in Italy". "My wife Natasha and I occasionally took him and Daniel with us to rehearsals for our plays or filming. Micheál didn't understand the meaning of the words on the set, but showed interest early on the work on film and asked q...

The Day the Music Died

My little series about Liam Neeson is growing and is being read with pleasure by my followers on Instagram and Facebook. I am very pleased that the fans are enjoying this little series, which already has almost 200 parts.  Yes, I am proud of this little work because it proved to myself that I am not as stupid and superfluous as many people have told me.  Yesterday I told in my 199th part about how Liam experienced the moment when he heard that John Lennon was shot:  Liam told in September 2017 in an interview how he experienced the death of John Lennon: "I have to say there's a part of me that died when John Lennon was shot, with regards to listening to popular music. I just could not get over it. " "When John Lennon in December 8.1980 was shot, I was on stage with Stephen Rea. We are doing this Brain Freeland play, and we were touring Ireland with it. " "I remember we were playing a week in Dublin and I was sharing a dre...

Rest in Peace dear Janey Godley

On October 14th I shared the story here about Janey Godley and the scarf Janey knitted for Liam. Sadly, last week her daughter announced that Janey had succumbed to cancer.  Rest in Peace dear Janey ... and thank you for putting a smile on Liam's face with your scarf.