About "Non-Stop"

For me, Non-Stop is one of those films that really gets my adrenaline pumping. Suspense from the first moment to the last scene. When I saw the film for the first time, my head was working the whole time. One question followed the next. How did the writer know that, how could he kill that person, where did he get this information from... Questions Non-Stop... 
A few days ago I discovered an interview that Liam and Jaume Collet-Serra gave to a German film platform about the release of the film in German cinemas. 
I'm currently brushing up on my English. The interview came at just the right time. It was conducted in English. So I translated it into German first and then translated the translation back into English. It sounds complicated, but that's exactly what really helps me brush up on my language. The translation into German helps me to understand the context of the interview properly. 
Here is the content of the interview: 
In March 2014, Liam and director Jaume Collet-Serra gave an interview to the film platform 'Filmstars' , in which they talked about the space available to them during the filming of "Non-Stop" , among other things. 
The journalist asked the two of them, "Space on an airplane is very limited. Were there any particular diffeculties that you had to pay special attention to during the filming of "Non-Stop" due to the limited space?"
Liam answered to this question, "Right, the space is actually very limited and we were shooting most of the day with 200 actors together, in this tight space at the sometime. I think it was quite a challenge for Jaume and his special equipment to shoot every scene perfectly. I think it was not easy for him and his team."
"The audience will certainly not be bored in the cinema. 95% of the film takes place on an airplane and Jaume has really managed to shoot a good thriller that will not make anyone in the cinema leave before the end of the film. I think he has really mastered it."
The reporter asked Jaume Collet-Serra, "How was it for you?"
"It really was a big challenge for me and my team. You think about all these passibilities of how you could shoot a scene in such a confined space. But in the end, you are faced with technical difficulties that make it difficult to realize the filming. Because you haven't considered everything that makes up on airplane. The aisles in an airplane are very tight and long.
"There are also 200 actors, some of whom have to move around in this small aisle. All in all, it really was a very demanding task for my team, for the actors and for me" answered Jaume Collet-Serra to the question. 
When the journalist asked Liam, "Bill Marks is more of an anti-hero. How important was this aspect to you for this movie story?"
Liam replied,"I liked that our hero is facing a serious threat and doesn't really realize how he is getting more and more distressed by internal and external influences. That he puts himself in more and more danger although his own actions."
"Bill Marks is a man fighting his own issues, and that inner conflict, that struggle, shows moments in the movie where you wonder 'Is he the bad guy after all'?"
The journalist asked,"What do you think? Will the audience like Bill Marks? A man who seems to be a bad person but trying to do good. 
To which Liam replied, "You tell me. I like him and I think the audience will be captivated by action and Jaume tells a great story in this wonderful and exciting thriller without pausing for breath. You just sit in the cinema and suddenly the movie is already over. And then you think 'Wow'."
The journalist asked Liam," Liam how do you decide whether to take on a new film project?"
Do you run the scene thought your head, do you play your role in your mind's eye or do you clearly say 'Yes or no'?"
"I have a very simple trick: When I get a script for a new movie, I make myself a cup of tea, sit down and start reading. If I read it through from page 1 to page 100 without making another cup of tea or answering the phone then it really piqued my interest. And that was the case with "Non-Stop" . It was literally a non-stop reading for me and I knew very quickly that I wanted to make this movie clear to me that I wanted to make "Non-Stop" with Jaume ", answered Liam the journalist. 
The journalist approached Liam about an old interview Liam gave to the platform when the second "Taken" movie was released in cinema and asked him," In an interview you gave at the premiere of the second Taken movie, you said 'I'll keep making action movies as long as my body allows it'. How do you see it today? 

"I don't want to disappoint my audience, but it's certain that when you make action films into your 70s, you inevitably lose credibility. I try to stay in good shape and do my daily training program. I train my mind and my body ", and I still get a lot of offers for action movies. I still really enjoy it and will try to keep going until my knees don't want to do it anymore," Liam said.
If you haven't seen Non-Stop yet, I can only recommend you catch up quickly. After the film, I swore never to get on a plane on which Liam was also a passenger. 😉
Maidin mhaith a stór Liam, guím lá iontach síochánta oraibh agus tá súil agam go mbeidh cupán tae ag an mbeirt againn le chéile go luath.  Is é sin mo mhian is mó.  
Tabhair aire an-mhaith duit féin agus fan sláintiúil. Go raibh maith agat as gach rud a dhéanann tú agus tacaíocht.  Tá sé go deas go bhfuil tú ann.  

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