Lovely sister Joely

The second obituary that really got to me, come from Natasha's sister Joely. She wrote,  last Monday, under her post that showed a photo of Natasha with Ethan Hawke:
"My sister Natasha with what's- no-to-love Ethan Hawke. I was lucky enought to play his wife in "Ivanov" off Broadway-renaisdance man. I chose this picture as it's fun mischievous side of Tash. Richard Eyre said at her memorial 'It's so hard to understand why she's suddenly gone because she was the most Alive person I'd ever met' Tash was a great celebrator of other people's achievements-go so excited and happy for them- had mini Oscar made for Ethan,  when he got nominated. We went to see "Moulin Rouge" (Baz Luhrmann film) at the Ziegfeld in NY. When we came out she said to me 'If I had to go I'd like it to be like that-at my peak'. Well Tash, you did, 15 years ago today - loved to the hilt ❤️
When I read this post, I remembered a post that Joely had posted ( I think it was at the end of last year). Joely wrote in the post about a visit to a Dublin hotel. She wrote:
"A few years ago. I was in a hotel in Dublin and really missing my sister Natasha. Passing through the lobby on a screen this picture came up as 'previous guests ' I smiled broadly. My phone just sent it to me as a memory. Tash in all her glory "❤️
I love Joely's post. She always writes her post with a lot of heartful warmth and joy. I am always especially happy when Joely shares something from her mother Vanessa Redgrave. I love listening to Vanessa read aloud. Vanessa has an incredible warmth in her voice and I could listen to her for for hours. 
Love you Joely and your wonderful family ❤️
Maidin mhaith, a Liam, guím lá iontach síochánta oraibh agus tá súil agam go mbeidh cupán tae againn le chéile go luath. Tabhair aire mhaith duit féin agus fan sláintiúil.  
I found the beautiful photo that Joely wrote about at the end of last year. It shows so much love 💘  

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