Memories on Natasha

Last Monday was the 15th anniversary of Natasha Richardson's death and many remembered this wonderful woman. Three posts on Instagram touched my heart, and I'd like to share those obituaries again here 
The first post I read was from Natasha's and Liam's son Daniel. He wrote:
"15 years since you've left this plane onto forever more. I look forward to reuniting one day but for now I take solace in knowing you're beside me every step of the way. Hopefully, I'm making you proud. I think you would definitely proud of my magarita skills. She was the OG margarita Mama! As a kid, I used to ask her for a sip of hers, and she would gently say not Till you're older."
"Little did she know I would one day start my own tequilla brand and have way too many magaritas at my fingers tips. My aunt Joely Richardson, who always brightens my day, said to me this week ' that we sometimes forget that we're on an ever spinning planet. Change is inevitable, and we must embrace it with open arms. If you're a believer or not in quantum physics, the past, future and present coexist. We're all interconnected here and over there through love. The greatest life force. Choose it above all else. "
A wonderful memory that Daniel shared with his follower. Thank you very much dear Daniel. Natasha is certainly very, very proud of her three men and is always near you and in your hearts.
The words his aunt Joely said to Daniel are thought provoking and true. 
I admire Daniel, who has taken a very different path to the rest of his family. He is a remarkable young man who has both feet firmly on the ground. At Boston University im 2017, Daniel founded his first company called "Pine Outfitters" and as a second mainstay, Daniel has been very successfully promoting the tequilla brand "De Nada" for years. In the meantime, the young man is participating very successfully in marathons. 
Yes Daniel,  your mom would be very proud of you. 
Dea-tráthnóna a Liam, is féidir leat a bheith an-bhródúil as do bheirt mhac, agus táim cinnte go bhfuil Natasha freisin. Fiú mura bhfuil aithne againn ar a chéile go pearsanta, tugaim barróg mhór daoibh go léir. 
Tabhair aire mhaith duit féin agus fan sláintiúil. Tá súil agam go mbeidh cupán tae agaibhse agus agam féin le chéile go luath. Bheadh sé sin an-deas. 

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