The open Liam

I read and listen to a lot of interviews that Liam has given over the years. There are some interviews that I always enjoy reading or listening to. Because there you get to know Liam as he really is. Open, honest and sometimes "fragile" (maybe that's the wrong word, but it describes some of the passages that you read or hear in the interviews quite well.) 
One of the interviews that I always read or listen to is the "60 Minutes" interview from 2014 that Anderson Cooper did with Liam. 
The introduction to the interview alone says a lot about Liam: 
Liam Neeson at 61 years old has been become one of the highest paid movie stars in Hollywood. You may remember him as Oskar Schindler in Steven Spielberg's movie "Schindler's List" or dozens of other classical dramatic roles, but today he's best known as one of the most sough after action stars in the movie buisness. 
Neeson's success is bittersweet. Five years ago his wife,  the actress Natasha Richardson, fell while skiing and died from a traumatic brain injury. He's said very little about her death, until tonight. We decide to start this story about Neeson where He was born. In Ballymena, a simple town, just outside Belfast, Northern Ireland. 
During the interview, small films were repeatedly shown that showed Liam in a very private way. One film in particular sticks in my mind. It shows Liam with a dog that he saved from children who were throwing stones at him in Central Park in New York. Liam took the dog into his home in Millbrook at the time. 
Maidin mhaith a Liam, guím lá iontach síochánta oraibh agus tá súil agam go mbeidh cupán tae againn le chéile go luath. Tabhair aire mhaith duit féin agus fan sláintiúil  

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