Five Minutes Of Heaven

Dear Readers, I had to take a little time out. Holidays such Easter , Christmas and my birthday are not exactly my favorite days. These days depress me and I retreat into my shell.  I used these days to reread " The Black Eyed Blond" ( the novel on which the movie "Marlowe" is based) , read some books and intrviews about and with Liam and to watch the series "Renegade Nell " ,which stars Liam's sister-in-law Joely Richardson and which I can highly recommend. 
Yesterday evening "Five Minutes Of Heaven " was showing on German television, and I remember what Liam said about this movie:
" I myself witnessed the violence and hatred between my fellow countrymen for several decates. This movie has a political relevance. It is about two men dealing with violence and hatred. This story could easily be related to any trouble spot in the world, it is universal. "
I watched "Five Minutes Of Heaven" again yesterday, after a long time, and was surprised at how well the words that Liam said to the reporter in the film fit into our times. He said, among other things, 'that we should reach out and forgive.' True words! 
The focus of the film is not the violence, but above all the effects it has. 
In "Five Minutes Of Heaven "  , Liam embodies a repentant and broken murderer who, after twelve years in prison  struggles with his feelings of guilt. Liam's opponent is James Nesbitt, who plays the brother whose little brother was shot by Alistair (Liam) and has been haunted by feelings of revenge ever since. Years later, the two opponents are supposed to shake hands in a TV show to reconcile. But both are still struggling with their shared past, and a showdown ensues.  
An educational film that shows that you should overcome your fears and, even if it is very painful, you can and should start anew. 
Maidin mhaith a Liam, a Liam, guím lá iontach síochánta oraibh agus tá súil agam go mbeidh muid in ann aithne a chur ar a chéile go pearsanta go luath agus ansin comhrá deas a bheith againn thar cupán tae. 
Tabhair aire mhaith duit féin agus fan sláintiúil. Tá sé go deas go bhfuil daoine cosúil leatsa  

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