When your own life gives you the middle finger

I haven't written anything for a long time, even though I have lots of stories about Liam.  Writing here is supposed to distract me from my own life, worries and thoughts. But in the last few weeks the memories have been stronger than anything else.  
But I want to try to take more care of my block again.   Even though everything is difficult for me at the moment. 
Yesterday was Natasha's birthday. Happy birthday to you, dear Natasha. Everyone was thinking of you yesterday. Your sister Joely posted a lovely photo of you and her on Instagram and wrote lovely words to go with it. Liam is currently in front of the camera in Atlanta, filming a reboot of "The Naked Gun." I'm happy for Liam that he can work again. Although I can't do much with the film. I'm more looking forward to the new collaboration with Neil Jordan. I hope that filming for "Riker's Ghost" will start soon. I really like what I know and have read about the story so far.  
My own series about Liam, called One Photo, One Story, which I started a few months ago and share on Instagram and my own Liam Neeson fan group, passed its 100th episode a few days ago. I never thought I would ever be able to put together so many little stories about Liam. Yes, I am very proud of this little series. 
The photo shows Liam with his wonderful wife Natasha in 1993 on Broadway, during a performance of the play "Anna Christie" in which the two fell in love.  
Liam once said of this time: "We both were like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers." 
A beautiful declaration of love  ❤️
A Liam, a stór, tabhair aire mhaith duit féin agus fan sláintiúil. Guím agus tá súil agam le mo chroí go léir go mbeidh cupán tae agatsa agus agam le chéile go luath.  Bheadh sé sin an-deas agus chuirfeadh sé áthas orm uair amháin ar a laghad i mo shaol.  

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