About filming in Tuscany

Made In Italy,  is one of my 'I need something for my sad soul' movies. Liam stars alongside his eldest son Micheál in this beautiful film. 
Made In Italy was filmed near Montalcino in Italy and the filming took place between April and June 2019. The privately owned Villa 'Fontanelle' served as a backdrop and some parts of the villa were rebuilt, giving the building the appearance of being in a state of decay and in need of restoration. 
Some scenes were filmed in the village of Monticciello. Including the movie evening, which was filmed in the village square. The restaurant 'Il Bronzino' served as the backdrop for the scene in which Natalia's family celebration was filmed,  and Robert ( Liam) and his son Jack ( played by Liam's son Micheál) were present as guests.
In a scene set in the villa's guest house, a photo is shown that Liam has made available from his private property. It shows Liam with Micheál when Micheál was still a baby. 
Speaking about the shooting,  Liam said, "You can probably say that out loud. A pretty spot, this Italy. We went to Toscany for four weeks. However, the spring 2019 was probably the wettest there in 50 years. It rained so much that I saw winegrowers cry. Because the feared for their harvest. Only in the last week, the film Gods have been kind to us. We were finally able to film all the beautiful Tuscan sunrises and sunsets", Liam told 2020 about the filming of "Made in Italy" and recalled  previous visits to Italy, " I've been to Italy quite often. The first time I remember was a shot in Abruzzo. Some swort and magic movie  ( I looked it up, Liam is probably talking about the movie "Krull". Which was filmed in United Kingdom and Italy)and I also stood in front of the cameras a few time at the legendary "Cinecillo Studios " in Rome of course  ( for example "Third Person" ) . I've also been there a few times privately. The country is really beautiful. Oh yes, and then there is the delicious food."
There is a lot of personal stuff in the story that this film tells, and I like that a lot. Liam and Micheál played together remarkably and Micheál showed that he has a lot of talent. I really hope that Liam and Micheál will work together on another film. 
Maidin mhaith a stór Liam, guím lá iontach síochánta oraibh agus tá súil agam go mbeidh cupán tae ag an mbeirt againn le chéile go luath. Sin uile ba mhaith liom.  
Tabhair aire duit féin agus fan sláintiúil  

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