How Liam came to the movie

Yesterday I read through my collected interviews that Liam gave to the media over the years and found an interview he gave to a German daily newspaper in 2021. In this interview, Liam talked about how he came to the film and remembered the filming of Excalibur (1979/81) 
In the interview, Liam was asked, "Do you like to think back to the beginning of your career?"
"Yes sure , I had my first engagement at the "Lyric Theater" in Belfast, where we still performed a new play every four weeks. That was a tough school and the perfect foundation for everything that followed. At that time I still assumed that I would play theater all my life. I had no ambitions to be in front of the camera. In the late 1970s I moved to the "Irish National Theater" in Dublin. Where director John Boorman saw me in the role as Lennie in a production of Steinbecks play  "Of Mice And Men" . At that time he was busy with his film "Excalibur" . After the performance , Boorman came to me and ask me ,if I wanted to play along in his film . I said  'Yes' spontaneously,  and even claimed that I could ride a horse. What was wrong at that time ",  Liam smiling and continues with shining eyes, " I felt head over heels in love with working in front of the camera and John became a wonderful mentor to me. I actually owe everything to him and luck too, because I had plenty of that too. "
Liam previously discribed making the movie was great, " We did " Excalibur " with the wonderful Sir John Boorman  ... knights in shining armour  ... and riding horses  ...and stuff... and it was like euphoric, the feeling. It was euphoric and John was a fantastic mentor. That was extraordinary, because it had Helen Mirren and Nicol Williamson, who is dead now, God rest his soul. He was an extraordinary actor. There we are, all dressed in shining suits of armour and on horse back. It was like a dream come true. Telling this Arthurian myth, this story that's thousands of years old. It was something. And to be shooting it in Ireland, it was great. John Boorman was a wonderful mentor to us,  Gabriel Byrne,  Ciarán Hinds and myself. He'd bring us behind the camera and show us what he's looking at. He give us the reason why he's shooting it this way, and just explaining what the camera does, the different ways he was going to shoot us", Liam recalled in the 2023 interview.
I am a person who can visualize very well when I read something or am told something.  Liam is someone who is very good at talking about his experiences. His descriptions of the filming of Excalibur give my imagination plenty of material. I think these days it called  "head cinema".  
I really enjoy reading the interviews.  
Tráthnóna maith a stór Liam, guím tráthnóna suaimhneach suaimhneach oraibh agus tá súil agam go mbeidh cupán tae ag an mbeirt againn le chéile go luath. 
Tabhair aire mhaith duit féin agus fan sláintiúil.   
Dúirt tú san agallamh ‘Bhí sé cosúil le fíorú aisling’. Sin a cheapann mé faoi mo mhian beag 'Tá sé cosúil le fíorú aisling' .
Tabhair aire an-mhaith duit féin le do thoil. Tá sé go deas go bhfuil tú ann  

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