Liam about his role in "Memory"

 I have always known that Liam is an actor who prepares very conscientiously and intensively for his roles by reading specialist literature,  talking to people affected and through self-awareness. Many fans don't even know that Liam moved into a homeless shelter for three days in 1986 to prepare for his role in the movie "Suspect" and to play his character as authentically as possible. 
Liam also prepared very intensively for his role in "Memory". A quality that I really like. 
Yesterday I read an interview that Liam 2022 did on the occasion of his movie "Memory" . Especially the sentence that Liam said at the end is now one of my favorite statement from him ... 
"I did a lot of research on Alzheimer's and Dementia to incorparate subtle signs of the disease  - stuttering and a general vagueness- into my role. I wasn't sure and asked Guy Pearce,  who was the director,  when we started filming,  if I wanted to show a character with is in the early -stage of Alzheimer's disease. I didn't want to exaggerate too much. In the movie,  in the scene where I visit my brother,  who also has Alzheimer's,  you can see how the disease affects people in the final stage. I have two friends in Ireland who have Alzheimer's disease. " ...
..."Of course, like almost everyone, I sometimes lose my memory. I have to write things down every now and then,  you know"?, says Liam and continuing to talk, " Sometimes I find it hard to remember names. But when it comes to memories from my childhood or things that mom or dad said to me and my sisters. I can remember that very well."
Another sentence Liam said in this interview and I really, really love is :
"I seek joy wherever I can  ... for example by admiring the blooming flowers in my garden. When the daffodils start to poke their heads out of the ground in. That is great"! I can imagine this joy , dear Liam
Maidin mhaith a Liam, a chara, guím lá iontach síochánta ort agus tá súil agam go mbeidh cupán tae ag an mbeirt againn le chéile go luath. 
Tabhair aire an-mhaith duit féin agus fan sláintiúil. 
Tá sé go bhfuil tú ann. Go raibh maith agat. 

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