The passion for the profession

The passion for the profession,  was today the title of my 132nd part, my own series about Liam, entitled "One Photo, One Story" It is an excerpt from an interview Liam gave to a German daily newspaper in 2021. The interview was made for the release of his film "Made In Italy" and the newspaper asked Liam, among other things, " In 'Made In Italy ' you play a painter who lost his passion for his profession. Has that ever happened to your profession ?"
Answering to this question, Liam said, " You always cross valleys. There have been a few moments in my career. But fortunately not too many films in which I was involved and where things didn't go as I had imagined. There were movies where nothing fit and the whole thing didn't come together. Actors, locations, film crew or just little things that never the less have a big impact on the productions. Where the indgredients just wouldn't come together to form a whole. But you have to remain professional and simply perseveve. Still do your best and always remember that it is your face that the audience will see on the screen later. Luckily, I haven't experienced this more than two or three times. I confess, althrought I love my work very much. But if nothing fits together, I don't enjoy my work either. "
In the interview, Liam was further asked, " Try youself as a director, like your colleague James D'Arcy did with "Made in Italy " . Didn't you ever want to do that?"
Liam answered this question, " Oh no, I have absolutly no interest in that! Because I really enjoy the nomadic life of an actor. You show up somewhere to work six weeks or two month and when the job is done you move on. " He pauses and continues, "  As a director you live forever with a project. Even the preparation takes three or four month, and after shooting it takes at least a year before the film is even shown to an audience. I wouldn't have that patience at all. "
This statement did not surprise me. Although you like to deal with things that take a little more time. Like the story about the Tuam Babies, Ian Paisley or currently the story of your fellow countrymen who worked on the American railway. But you can leave it for a few weeks while you're filming. You come home and keep working on it. Nice thought. 
I'm really looking forward to the documentation on railway construction. I'm very interested in that. I hope that the documentation progresses.  
Oíche mhaith a chara Liam, tá súil agam go raibh lá deas agat agus go bhfuil dul chun cinn á dhéanamh agat le do scannánaíocht.  
Guím oíche iontach réchúiseach oraibh agus tá súil agam go mbeidh cupán tae ag an mbeirt againn le chéile go luath. Bheadh sé an-deas dá dtabharfá uair an chloig de do shaol dom.  
Tabhair aire an-mhaith duit féin le do thoil agus fan sláintiúil. Tá sé go deas go bhfuil tú ann. Go raibh maith agat. 
❤️🇮🇪🍀💚🤍🧡I like this photo very much , that shows you and Lewis MacDougall behind the scene of "A Monster Calls" . One of my absolute favorite films with you, and one of which I bought the novel after reading in an interview how enthusiastic you were about the book.  

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