What about our relationship

As I was reading through my collection of interviews with Liam in the past few days, I found one from 1996 that Liam and Natasha gave together. In the interview, both spoke about the moment when Liam knew that he had fallen in love with Natasha. Natasha told about the beginning of their relationship following story in this interview: 
"I was celebrating my thirtieth birthday and Liam sent me a card from the set of 'Schindler's List' . It simply said 'You're catching up with me. Love Oskar ' ,and I didn't think it was very romantic and decided it was time to be open. I wrote to him back with the word's, 'This is like a letter from a buddy. What is our relationship?' and at that moment Liam knew it was serious. He had fallen in love with me. Shortly after our wedding, Liam was cast in the movie 'Nell' and I wasn't thrilled with the idea that we would be separated again so soon. I decided to apply for the role of 'Paula Olsen' in the movie. And my wish came true, after 'Anna Christie' we played together again in 'Nell'."
Liam said in the same interview, " The moment Natasha asked me about our relationship was the moment I knew that I had fallen in love with her . Then I knew that I really love this woman. That is genuine and sincere and something that needs to be protected. "
When I read Natasha talking about 'Nell' I remembered what a great film 'Nell' is. Unfortunately, the film is no longer in my own collection because my ex threw away all my personal belongings. But I remember the film well and want to get 'Nell' back for my collection.
When I still had my fan page about Liam and Natasha on Facebook, I had a series in which I presented the films of both of them. I think I should do it here from time to time as well. There are many fans who have only known Liam since his 'Taken' films and asked when the film would be released. Even though I always gave a year. Let’s start with the film Nell: 
Liam Neeson: Dr. Jerome Lovell 
Natasha Richardson: Dr. Paula Olsen
Judie Foster:Nell
Director: Michael Apted
In a lonely cabin in the woods of North Carolina, Dr. Jerome Lovell (Liam) finds a completely frightened young woman who speaks in an incomprehensible language. Nell (Judie Foster) grew up far away from any civilization and has never seen another human except her recently deceased mother.Dr. Lovell takes care of her and plans to gently introduce her to the 'real' world. But other scientists want to degrade Nell to a clinical study subject. In his distress, Lovell calls in Dr. Paula Olsen (Natasha Richardson), who works with autistic children. But Olsen and another colleague want to ensure that Nell is sent to an institution where scientific tests will be carried out on her. A great film, with an incredibly good Judie Foster. As I was writing down the plot, some scenes appeared in my mind's eye.
Maidin mhaith a stór Liam, guím lá iontach síochánta oraibh agus tá súil agam go mbeidh cupán tae ag an mbeirt againn le chéile go luath.  Bheadh sé sin an-deas. Is é mo bhreithlá atá ann go luath agus ní dhéanaim mórán mór faoi, ach tá mé 60 bliain d'aois i mbliana agus ba mhaith liom mian a dhéanamh. Tá mé ag tacú le do ghairm bheatha le tríocha bliain anois, agus le fada an lá sin tá súil agam go dtabharfaidh tú uair an chloig de do shaol dom. Níl mé ag iarraidh rud ar bith níos mó. Uair an chloig lán de sonas. 
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