How Liam became the narrator of War Of the Worlds

"War of the world" I bought the album 1978 LP. I had saved up the money with great effort, because the pocket money I got was very small. Thirty marks back then: one mark for every day. The double album costs well over thirty marks, and since I also had to pay for other things with the money, I had to save for a long time before I could buy "War of the Worlds" with the voice of Richard Burton. 
Later during my training, when I had a little more money, I bought the German version of "War of the Worlds". Here the German actor Curt Jürgens took on the role of the narrator and journalist George Herbert. Jürgens and Burton were both on the same level in their roles. Unfortunately, both albums were thrown in the trash by my ex. The album with Burton is fortunately still available, but the version with Jürgens is irretrievably lost to me this day. 
I think it was mid-2011 when I first read that Jeff Wayne had revised the story a little and was planning to re-release the album under the name "War Of The Worlds The Next Generation". 
 In an interview in 2012, Jeff Wayne was asked, " Richard Burton,  who played the narrator in the original version of "War Of The Worlds" had an impressive voice. With Liam Neeson as Burton's successor,  you have made a brilliant choice for your revised version. How did you get Mr Neeson to take part in the project?"
Jeff Wayne answered this question:" I sat down with my team and we made a list of all the actors we liked. Then we looked at each of the actors on our list on YouTube. The list didn't really change. But we still removed a few names from the list. They were actors who didn't quite match our expectations. They didn't fit the character of the journalist and narrator George Herbert in terms of voice and physique. There were a few names left and I decided that I wanted to concentrate only on the voices of the remaining actors. I closed my eyes and concentrated only on the voices and pronunciation of each one. At the end of the day, there was only one name left on the list: Liam Neeson!"
"I had the same feeling with Liam as I did with Richard in 1978 and was very happy when I won Liam for my project. Because I wasn't actually sure whether Liam would be interested at all. "
" We called one of his agents in New York and told him about our project. It turned out very quickly that Liam was very interested in working with us. We got a deadline of days and immediately flew to New York to meet with Liam in his office. "
"I asked him what had attracted him to take part in "War of the Worlds The Next Generation". And Liam told me that he had actually bought the album on cassette in 1978, and that he still has the cassette. That blew me away away, and then he said to me that he would be love to took part in the project. I was so happy at the moment. I mean, I was sitting in front of a man who was playing in a 20 million dollar league. At that moment I knew that this man wasn't doing it for the money, not for a commercial point of view. No,  Liam Neeson is taking part because he wants to and is enthusiastic about the project. "
"Liam was jumping into uncharted waters, as he had never worked on a production of this type and scale before  I also think that it was couriosity about something different and new that also motivated him to take part. "
Maidin mhaith a stór Liam, guím lá iontach síochánta oraibh agus tá súil agam go mbeidh cupán tae ag an mbeirt againn le chéile go luath.  
Tabhair aire mhaith duit féin agus fan sláintiúil.  Tá sé go deas go bhfuil tú ann. Go raibh maith agat as gach rud a dhéanann tú dom. Fiú mura bhfuil a fhios agat é  
Go raibh maith agat  

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