About the filming of "Made in Italy"

When I read an old interview that Liam and Micheál gave before the release of their joint film "Made in Italy", I noticed how personally the two of them took the story of the film. Liam in particular spoke very openly about the filming and the personal experiences he took home with him. In my little series about Liam Neeson , entitled: One Photo, One Story , which now has 202 parts, I gave this part the title "Micheál and his new friend" and the story consists only of the first part of the story I am telling here today  . I now only write my series on Instagram.
"I wouldn't exactly call Micheál a typical movie set kid ", Liam said during an interview about their joint film "Made in Italy".
"My wife Natasha and I occasionally took him and Daniel with us to rehearsals for our plays or filming. Micheál didn't understand the meaning of the words on the set, but showed interest early on the work on film and asked questions. He still remembers fragments of that time. For example his mother's rehearsals for "Cabaret" or visits to the film sets."
I still remember very well how I took Micheál with me to the filming of "The Phantom Menace" . He was two years old at the time and had never seen a Star Wars movie. During a break in filming, Micheál ran up to R2-D2 and gave him a very big hug".
"Acting has always been a matter of course for Micheál because it has always been a part of his life. As a child, he showed no ambition to take up this profession. Even as a teenager his professional interest were completely different. Only in the last few years he realized that acting is also the right job for him. I and Natasha's family support Micheál in this. But I don't interfere in his work and tell him how to do his job. He has to make his own experience. "
"When we were on the set of "Made in Italy" , I said to my son  'Look Micheál, there's only room for one director on the set, and that is James D'Arcy. So if you want to talk about any scene or dialog,  or if you're not sure about the acting process or what ever,  then talk to James. That's how I always do it. During filming, we are just acting colleagues. When we've finished our work in the evening and you have question,  we can talk about the day. On set you are just another actor to me and I treat you like any colleague of mine. "
"But I admit, I couldn't stoo myself and overheard the conversation between James and Micheál and realized that he still carries this couriosity withim himself. James D'Arcy took notes during the conversation with Micheál and I briefly read the notes and agreed with him. "
"You know, Micheál has this acting gene in him that he inherited from his mother and her family. Natasha's family has been connected to the theater since the ninetieth century."
"My wife Natasha,  Micheál's mother,  was on our minds during the filming. Albeit in different ways. I felt her near me, she was omnipresent  ... in the house where we were filming,  in the surroundings,  in the air I breathed and the beautiful sunsets in the evening. Micheál once spoke about her when he saw a butterfly flying over the set. "
It also anticipates the difficult emotions that the director had worked out for the demanding scenes. Even then, Natasha was omnipresent and accompanied us throughout. "
"My conclusion, which I brought back from the shooting,  is that nobody knows how to grieve properly. We all grieve in different ways. But the best way to do this is to carry your loved one with you,  in your heart and in your memory. That you think of them every day and that you do things they would be proud of and where they would support you. My wife would be very proud of our sons  ... of us. "
"You should also not exclude your family,  relatives and friends from your grief. Natasha's mother Vanessa Redgrave and her sister Joely Richardson have been a great support through this difficult time . My family,  my sisters and my mom were also always available to us. During the time, I learned what family is,  what family cohesion means. I will never forget that and will carry it deep in my heart. "
Maidin mhaith a stór Liam, guím lá iontach síochánta oraibh agus tá súil agam go gcuirfidh an bheirt againn aithne ar a chéile go pearsanta go luath agus go mbeidh cupán tae againn le chéile.  Sin an t-aon mhian atá agam. Just a bheith in ann uair nó dhó a chaitheamh leat agus caint bheag a bheith agat leat. 
Tabhair aire mhaith duit féin agus fan sláintiúil. 
Tá sé go deas go bhfuil tú ann. Go raibh maith agat as gach rud atá déanta agat dom. Fiú mura bhfuil a fhios agat é. 
Tá a fhios agam cad a bhfuil tú ag caint faoi nuair a bhíonn tú ag caint faoi bhrón.  Mhothaigh mé an pian seo le 38 bliain agus iompraíonn sé go domhain i mo chroí é.Níl le déanamh agam ach déileáil leis an bpian amháin. 
Tabharfaidh mé barróg mhór duit más féidir liom. 

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